TAB Financial Limited does not harvest your personal information for the purpose of resale or marketing to any third-party company's or lead generation services outside of our Authorized Dealership partner agreements.
TAB Financial Limited connects YOU with your own personal authorized representative. Your representative will help you with your automotive needs from START to FINISH. Your representative will also continue to provide ongoing support and assistance throughout your entire ownership experience.
We at TAB Financial Limited, along with our Dealership partners, strive to help connect YOU with the ultimate automotive purchasing experience. TAB Financial Limited will also continue to provide ongoing support throughout your entire experience and look to help connect you with only the BEST Dealerships and Authorized representatives in the industry.
TAB Financial Limited is NOT a dealership and only advertises and connects you and quality automotive dealership together. All inventory is available and presented upon request. Finalization or facilitation of an automotive purchase will be completed within all current Dealership and or governing bodies rules and regulations.
Vehicles listed are only a representation of our Dealership partners inventory and may not be real time data. All advertising is representing only information provided to TAB Financial Limited and may also have discrepancy based on information provided. TAB Financial Limited has no guarantee on availability of listed inventory and allows your personal Authorized representative to review any and all information listed and to confirm and check availability.